Tuggerah Gateway Planning Proposal

Tuggerah Gateway Planning Proposal

Public exhibition closed

Central Coast Council has prepared a Planning Proposal for Lot 2 DP1056960 68 Tonkiss Street, Tuggerah and Lot 3 DP1084221, 60 Wyong Road, Tuggerah. The Planning Proposal seeks to amend the Central Coast Local Environmental Plan (CCLEP) 2022 to:

  • Rezone the majority of the site to R1 General Residential
  • Retain the existing MU1 Mixed Use zone in the north east of the site
  • Retain the existing C2 Environmental Conservation zone in the south east of the site with a slight expansion to the zone boundaries
  • Rezone a small portion in the north west of the site and along the northern property boundary to C2 Environmental Conservation.

The Planning Proposal seeks to create a new residential community to support the existing Tuggerah Town Centre with a range of low, medium and higher-density housing options to meet future housing demand. The new residential development will be supported by the retention of the existing MU1 Mixed Use zone to provide for a range of employment, retail, recreation, community and entertainment land uses on the site.

The site forms the gateway to the northern Central Coast and has been identified as a development opportunity site in numerous strategic planning documents including the Central Coast Regional Plan (CCRP) 2041 and Tuggerah to Wyong Economic Corridor Strategy (2020).

The Planning Proposal is supported by a new site-specific draft Central Coast Development Control Plan (CCDCP) Chapter 4.7 – Tuggerah Regional City. To ensure no overlap of provisions the existing CCDCP Chapter 5.3 - Tuggerah Precinct has been amended to remove any reference to the subject site. 

A draft Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) has been entered into that details additional works in kind to support the proposed development including a District Recreation Park, new Youth Centre and Regional dedicated shared pathway.

The Planning Proposal is supported by a number of studies and investigations including a draft Biodiversity Certification Assessment Report (BCAR) to avoid, minimise and offset any potential impacts of the proposed development on biodiversity values.

The draft Planning Proposal and supporting documents, including the draft DCP, VPA and BCAR, are on exhibition and available to view in the Document Library on this page.  The community are also invited to read the FAQs below for more information on the proposal.

The Planning Proposal and supporting documentation are on exhibition between 17 April and 31 May 2024.

Have your say

Submissions were to be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Mr David Farmer by 5pm 31 May 2024 via:

The Planning Proposal was drafted in accordance with Section 3.33 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 12979. A gateway determination under Section 3.34 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act was issued by the former Department of Planning & Environment (now known as Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure).

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Who's listening

Who's listening
Lynda Hirst - Principal Strategic Planner, Strategic Planning


What is the objective of the Planning Proposal?

The objective of this Planning Proposal is to rezone 68 Tonkiss Street and 60 Wyong Road, Tuggerah to enable the development of the site for a new residential community. The existing MU1 Mixed Use zone will remain over a portion of the site to support the future residents with a range of retail, employment, recreation, community and entertainment uses. The existing C2 Environmental Conservation zone will be slightly expanded to protect environmental sensitive areas within the site.

The Planning Proposal will also introduce new development standards into the Central Coast Local Environmental Plan (CCLEP) 2022 including:

  • Maximum floor space ratio of 1.5:1 and 2.2:1 for the MU1 Mixed Use zone, and 0.75:1 for the R1 General Residential zone.
  • Maximum height of buildings ranging from 16m to 42m across the MU1 Mixed Use zone. Buildings within the R1 General Residential zone will be controlled by a maximum 3 storey height limit under the new site specific draft Development Control Plan (DCP) Chapter 4.7 – Tuggerah Regional City.
  • Inclusion of the land zoned MU1 Mixed Use zone and R1 General Residential zone within a new Urban Release Area (URA) subject to Part 6 of the CCLEP 2022.
What will the development of the site ultimately look like?

Indicative concepts show potential for a range of low, medium and high density housing options of approximately 2100-2200 dwellings. A diversity of housing typologies is proposed including detached dwellings, townhouses/terraces, apartments and senior living. The housing is to be supported by a range of commercial, retail, community, recreation and entertainment uses including a new District Level Park and Youth Centre.

It should be noted that development concepts for the site are indicative only and should the rezoning be finalised any development on the site will be subject to assessment under a future Development Application (which will also be placed on public exhibition for community comment).

When will the site be developed?

The Planning Proposal process aims to amend the Central Coast Local Environmental Plan (CCLEP) 2022 to enable the future development of the site for a range of residential uses. Should the Planning Proposal be finalised any development of the site will be subject to the Development Application process and subsequent approvals for subdivision (if required), construction and occupancy. Such approvals could take a number of years to complete.  From the date of a Development Application approval an applicant has a maximum of 5 years to commence a development.

What does the Biodiversity Certification Assessment Report (BCAR) do?

As part of the Planning Proposal process, in line with obligations under the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016, a draft Biodiversity Certification Assessment Report has been prepared to assess the impact of the proposed development on the biodiversity values of the site. The BCAR is also subject to a separate certification process (which will also involve a separate public exhibition process at a future date) with final approval to be granted by the NSW Minister for the Environment.

What development controls will apply to the site and any future Development Application?

The site is currently subject to Central Coast Development Control Plan (CCDCP) Chapter 5.3 – Tuggerah Precinct. It is proposed to remove the site from this DCP and apply a new site specific DCP Chapter 4.7 – Tuggerah Regional City. The new DCP chapter outlines a range of built form guidelines to be applied in any future development design for the site. This includes requirements for traffic and parking, public and active transport, public and private domain controls, environmental management and provision of private and public open space areas.

What public benefits are to be provided with the Planning Proposal?

Any development of the site will be subject to development contributions which are charged by Council when new development occurs. These contributions will fund local infrastructure that is needed to support the increased number of residents in the area. In addition to these monetary contributions, Council has entered into a draft Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) where the proponent has agreed to provide a range of public infrastructure to support the development. This includes a new District Level Park, Youth Centre and Regional Shared Pathway connecting the site to the Tuggerah Train Station.

What happens following the public exhibition of the Planning Proposal?

Council will consider any submissions received during the public exhibition period when determining how to proceed with the Planning Proposal. A report will be presented to a future Council meeting outlining the results of the public exhibition with a recommendation on whether to finalize the Planning Proposal.

How can I have my say?

Submissions are to be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Mr David Farmer by 5pm 31 May 2024 via:

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