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    Your Voice Our Coast

Terrigal Boardwalk Project and Rockpool Restoration

Terrigal Boardwalk Project and Rockpool Restoration

Consultation for this project has now concluded.

Construction of Terrigal Boardwalk and works to upgrade the existing rockpool is now open!

This new attraction will deliver many social, heath and economic benefits for our community. The boardwalk significantly improves pedestrian access between Terrigal Beach promenade and The Haven, providing a safe and more accessible route around the headland and new attraction for our community and visitors to enjoy.

Terrigal, like many other tourist hot spots on the coast, has taken a hit during COVID restrictions in 2020 but this boardwalk and upgrade rockpool provides a great new drawcard which will help give local businesses and the economy a much-needed boost.

The 277-metre-long boardwalk has been designed to complement the natural environment and will be composed of materials that can withstand the elements to ensure longevity and ease of maintenance. The design includes a viewing platform, integrated seating, lighting and access to the rock platforms and smooth integration with the existing walkways either end, which creates a continuous link to the town centre. 

Restoration works to the rockpool include the replacement of the rockpool foundations and walls, construction of an access ramp to replace the existing stairs and linking this area with the new boardwalk and existing pathways.

From community consultation activities we know the majority of our community and local businesses support the boardwalk project, and Council has incorporated the feedback received on the draft concepts into the final design.  In addition, all studies and an environmental assessment was considered to ensure all impacts and risks have been considered before finalising the concept plans. 

The Terrigal Boardwalk project is jointly funded by Central Coast Council ($2.9M) and the NSW Government’s Restart NSW Regional Growth Environment and Tourism Fund ($2.98M). The Terrigal rockpool renovation project is supported by the NSW Government with a $250,000 grant from the Crown Reserves Improvement Fund, in addition to funding of $728,542 from Council's operational budget.

Construction on the project was underway in April 2020 and opened 14 April 2021.



2021 - Boardwalk open to public
Who's listening
Jamie Barclay - Unit Manager

Frequently asked questions

Why is Council building a boardwalk?

This project will deliver many social, heath and economic benefits for our community.

The existing pedestrian access between The Haven and Terrigal town centre is via a steep roadside path. The path in its current layout prevents members of the community from safety and easily accessing the foreshore and enjoying the natural beauty of the area.

This boardwalk will significantly improve pedestrian access between Terrigal Beach promenade and The Haven - providing a safe and more inclusive accessible route so everyone in our community can enjoy this ocean front and natural marine area.

The project will create a new attraction for our region and will help to grow tourism and boost the local economy.  In addition, the boardwalk will promote active lifestyles and provide a new social destination for our local community to meet and connect with each other.

What is the construction period and how will the works impact the community?

The delivery of this project has been planned to minimise inconvenience, ensure safety and reduce the construction impact on residents, local businesses and tourists.

Central Coast Council is set to commence construction on the Terrigal boardwalk project and rockpool restoration in April 2020.

Construction works are expected to be complete by the end of 2020 and open for public use early January 2021, however the schedule may be impacted by weather events, COVIC-19 and other unforeseen events.

Site establishment will begin from the end of March 20020.  From this time until the end of the construction period, access to the area around the footprint of the boardwalk and rockpool will be restricted, plus a small section of the Terrigal Haven carpark will be closed. Users of the foreshore areas are advised to adhere to onsite signage and not to enter the construction area.

What is the background of the Terrigal Boardwalk project?


In 1998 a feasibility study for a boardwalk linking Terrigal town centre with The Haven was carried out based on recommendations made in the 1996 Terrigal Foreshore Landscape Masterplan.

Based on advice received from the consultants at the time, the former Gosford City Council determined that it was not viable to proceed with the proposed Terrigal Boardwalk.

This decision was determined by considering environmental, safety and beach amenity issues. Other factors considered included visual impacts, the state of the cliff-face, the prohibitive costs on engineering required to stabilise it, high maintenance and construction costs, and the increased public liability associated with the structure.

In 2017, Central Coast Council renewed investigations into the boardwalk with the aim to create a design that addressed all these previous concerns.

Council was successful in securing a $2.9million Restart NSW Regional Growth Environment and Tourism Fund grant for the boardwalk and committed an additional $2.9million through the yearly capital works budget to deliver this project.

In May 2018, Council engaged Arup Pty Ltd to carry out renewed technical investigations, environmental studies, and to develop this new concept design.

The proposed concept design has been developed to ensure the previous issues identified in the 1996 feasibly study have been addressed. 


How much will the boardwalk cost and how is it being funded?

Council was successful in securing a $2.9million Restart NSW Regional Growth Environment and Tourism Fund grant for the boardwalk and committed an additional $2.9million through the yearly capital works budget to deliver this project.

Can the State Government funding be spent somewhere else instead?

The State Government funding is not permitted to be used for any other project. It must be used for this project.

Will the boardwalk be safe from rock-fall?

A team of engineers have reassessed the previous issues raised about rock-fall and carefully designed the new boardwalk to address these.

The geometry, alignment and elevation of the boardwalk have been carefully considered to mitigate the risk of potential rock-fall from the adjacent cliff face while in addition also managing potential for wave impact, sea-level rise and inundation.

Can I still access the rock platform?

Yes, the final design maintains public access to rock platform. 

Currently, there are two signs erected on either side of the cliff face warning the public of potential rock falls.  The first, located between The Haven beach and the cliff face (Figure 3 below) was erected prior to 2007, and the second sign, located near the Rock Pool (Figure 4) was erected in August-September 2018 following a rock fall incident reported by Terrigal Surf Club.  In addition, there were also major rock falls in Terrigal in October 2011 and at the Haven in June 2018. The Terrigal Boardwalk will provide better access and improve safety to this area for public use.

Will cycling or fishing be allowed on the boardwalk?

The boardwalk is designed to be shared pathway for both pedestrians and recreational cyclists, not a designated fishing platform.

Will dogs be allowed on the boardwalk?

Dogs will be allowed on the boardwalk, provided they are always on a leash .  As with all public spaces where dogs are permitted, the person responsible for the dog must remove any faeces immediately and dispose of it properly. Failure to comply at the time may result in penalties.

Will the boardwalk encourage people to use the viewing platform to jump into the water?

The railing top design was selected to help discourage risky and dangerous behaviour such as jumping into the water or onto the natural structures below. 

Has an Environmental Assessment been undertaken?

A comprehensive environmental assessment was carried out to ensure all related impacts and risks were considered for the final design.

The environmental assessment covers potential impacts associated with:

  • Construction and operation of the boardwalk
  • The immediate and surrounding environment
  • Landscape and visual impacts
  • Biodiversity
  • Noise and vibration
  • Traffic and access
  • Aboriginal heritage
  • Socio-economic factors

Other impacts including air quality, non-Aboriginal heritage and waste management

How will the boardwalk impact the ecosystem of the intertidal zone?

The completed boardwalk would have minimal impact on the function of the intertidal areas (also known as the foreshore and seashore) as the use of piles would not change local coastal processes.

Is it true that concerns were raised in relation to potential marine impacts around the location of the piers and potential seagrass?

The Terrigal Boardwalk Review of Environmental Factors (REF)- (Attachment 6 form the Council Report 29 April 2019, page 54) excerpt states that: 

Note that no seagrass meadows were observed during the site investigation, nor are they known to occur in this area.”

The NSW Department of Primary Industries – Fisheries has reviewed the REF and provided the following advice:

Having reviewed the REF (Rev.1 - Oct 2018) for the proposed Terrigal boardwalk, my view is that no Part 7 permit is required under the Fisheries Management Act. Proposed impacts to macroalgae are minimal and do not constitute harm. The construction methodology should aim to minimise impacts to macroalgae by: ensuring adequate clearances beneath vessels/propellers; and avoiding deployment of anchors, chains, mooring blocks within macroalgae.

If there is any change to the proposed design or layout of the boardwalk, DPI Fisheries must be consulted and Part 7 permits may apply to the revised proposal.

Are there sea horses in this marine area?

Environmental due diligence has been carried out and there are no known sea horse colonies in this area. On the Central Coast, Brisbane Water is a known sea horse and soft coral habitat.

Will the design withstand severe weather and environmental elements?

During the design phase, consideration has been given to future high level weather events and to withstand the elements which has resulted in the robust design and to ensure longevity and ease of maintenance.

Will this project construction provide local jobs?

The tender for these projects has been awarded to Land & Marine Ocean Engineering Pty Ltd, a company with existing employees on the Central Coast. This company has provided a commitment where possible to employ local Central Coast subcontractors and labourers as well as sourcing locally supplied equipment and materials to better assist our local economy.

How can I find further information about the Terrigal boardwalk and rockpool renovation?

This website ( yourvoiceourcoast.com) has background information and concept design and will be updated with news or project status changes.

To receive project updates by email please email your details to projectdevelop@centralcoast.nsw.gov.au

Other documents relating to the project can also be found online by clicking on these links:

Item 3.5 Terrigal Boardwalk and Rockpool  https://cdn.centralcoast.nsw.gov.au/sites/default/files/finalenclosuresom29april2019optimised.pdf

Item 4.3 Terrigal Boardwalk https://cdn.centralcoast.nsw.gov.au/sites/default/files/Council/Meetings_and_minutes/businesspaperom24june2019.pdf


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