The consultation on community values and uses for Wamberal Beach and supporting studies and concept plans have now concluded.

Phase one community consultation 

Between 9 November and 7 December 2020, Central Coast Council conducted phase one community consultation which included a values and uses survey for Wamberal Beach, drop-in formation sessions at Erina Fair and Wamberal Surf Life Saving Club as well as virtual drop-in sessions. We also hosted an online question and answer tool. 

Council undertook the values and uses survey to better understand the value of Wamberal Beach to the community, how it was being used prior to the emergency works and how it is being used now (post emergency works). 

The community can: 

Phase two community consultation 

Between 29 July and 10 September 2021, Central Coast Council undertook phase two community consultation which included the release of studies (1-4) and concept design renders. This phase of the consultation provided an opportunity for the community to provide feedback on the five concept options via an online interactive tool. Drop in information session were also hosted. 

Council sought community feedback on the concept options available to provide a visual aid for the community on what each of the five terminal protection options could look like. 

The community can: 

Phase three community consultation 

Between 17 February and 20 March 2022, Central Coast Council undertook phase three community consultation which included the release of six technical reports supporting the Wamberal Terminal Protection and Sand Nourishment – Investigation and Concept Design project. This phase of the consultation provided an opportunity for the community to provide feedback on the technical reports via an online feedback form. 

The community can: 

Feedback collected during the consultation periods was used to inform the development of the draft Wamberal Beach Terminal Protection Structure Engineering Design Requirements. 

View the project introduction here! 

View the technical studies here! 

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Frequently asked questions

How could the broader community get involved during the phase 1 consultation? 

During the phase 1 consultation, the community were invited to: 

  • complete the online values and uses survey (now closed)
  • speak with project staff and coastal experts at community information sessions (there were in person and virtual sessions available) 
  • submit a question online and have the project team get back to them

How could the broader community get involved during the phase 2 consultation? 

Stage reports 1-4 along with supporting concept design renders were made available for public review as part of phase 2 consultation. 

The available reports include:

  • Stage 1 Literature Review - to take stock of what is known and identify any information gaps.
  • Stage 2 Coastal Protection Assessment - to determine sand movement, beach behaviour and impacts/opportunities around public access and amenity. 
  • Stage 3 Concept Design Options - for a terminal protection structure (seawall) and sand nourishment, and potential seawall alignment.
  • Stage 4 Sand Nourishment Investigation - to help maintain public beach amenity.

During the phase 2 consultation, the community were invited to: 

  • view the technical studies (1-4) 
  • provide feedback on the interactive concept designs via the online tool
  • speak with project staff and coastal experts at community information sessions 

How could the broader community get involved during the phase 3 consultation? 

During the phase 3 consultation, the community were invited to: 

  • view the technical reports 1-6 
  • provide feedback via the online feedback form

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