This public exhibition has now concluded.

We sought the community's feedback on the Draft Central Coast Local Approvals Policy. The Draft Policy has been prepared to set out the requirements for activities which require approval under Section 68 of the Local Government Act (LG Act).

The LG Act sets out a range of activities that require Council approval- known as Section 68 approvals. It also establishes exemptions for which certain activities do not require application and relevant criteria that must be satisfied for each activity. Where an exemption applies, and all the listed criteria are met (where relevant), the proposed Policy will eliminate the need for a Section 68 application to be submitted.

Our proposed Policy will provide an efficient, consistent and streamlined process for activities under Section 68 of the Local Government Act.

Activities requiring local approval include:

  • The installation of manufactured homes, moveable dwellings and caravans on/in:
    • A caravan park or manufactured home estate
    • Private land
  • Construction or alteration of stormwater drainage
  • Transporting waste licenced under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 or waste not collected and/or deposited on the Central Coast.
  • Placement of waste e.g. skip bins, green, red and yellow bins and clothing donation bins
  • Installation, construction, alteration or operation of site sewer management systems
  • Activities on community land. For example, outdoor dining, street and fundraising stalls, events, busking/street theatres, use of loudspeaker/sound amplifying device and ceremonies
  • Operation of caravan parks, camping grounds and manufactured home estates
  • Installation or operation of amusement devices
  • Mobile food vehicles on council land and road reserves.

For more specific information on outdoor dining and street vending, Central Coast Council has prepared the Draft Outdoor Trading Specification.

All relevant feedback will be considered before the Draft Central Coast Local Approvals Policy is proposed for adoption at a future Council meeting.

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Submissions were to be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Mr David Farmer, between 14 December 2023 and 27 March 2024 (amended from 22 February 2024) via:

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Who's listening
Lalyn Collure - Senior Urban Designer, Strategic Planning Projects


What is the Local Approvals Policy?

The Draft Policy sets out the requirements for activities which require approval under Section 68 of the LG Act. It also establishes exemptions for which certain activities do not require application under Section 68 and relevant criteria that must be satisfied for each activity. Where an exemption applies, and all the listed criteria are met (where relevant), the Policy will eliminate the need for a Section 68 application to be submitted.

Why is Council preparing a Local Approvals Policy?

The Policy will provide an efficient, consistent and streamlined process for activities under Section 68 of the Local Government Act. The LAP will provide greater certainty on the local and legislative exemptions that apply, the information required to be submitted as part of the application, and information on what will be considered in the assessment of the application. This will provide for a transparent approval process. Section 68 of the LG Act requires a person to obtain approval from Council before carrying out certain activities, except where local or legislative exemptions apply.

Activities requiring local approval include:

  • The installation of manufactured homes, moveable dwellings and caravans on/in:
    • A caravan park or manufactured home estate
    • Private land
  • Construction or alteration of stormwater drainage
  • Transporting waste licenced under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 or waste not collected and/or deposited on the Central Coast.
  • Placement of waste e.g. skip bins, green, red and yellow bins and clothing donation bins
  • Installation, construction, alteration or operation of site sewer management systems
  • Activities on community land. For example, outdoor dining, street and fundraising stalls, events, busking/street theatres, use of loudspeaker/sound amplifying device and ceremonies
  • Operation of caravan parks, camping grounds and manufactured home estate Installation or operation of amusement devices
  • Mobile food vehicles on council land and road reserves.
What are the objectives of the proposed Policy?

The project objectives are to:

  • Identify the activities that require Council approval under Section 68 of the LG Act.
  • Identify the legislative and local exemptions that apply, removing the need to obtain a section 68 approval
  • Establish clear criteria for activities which require approval under Section 68 of the LG Act
  • To provide an efficient, consistent and streamlined process for activities under Section 68 of the LG Act.
What is the relationship between the Local Approvals Policy and the Outdoor Trading Specification?

Outdoor dining (food and/or beverage consumption) and street vending (the display and sale of articles), where they are associated with an adjacent fixed business and are located within the road reserve or on public land managed by Council across the LGA are activities requiring approval under the Local Approvals Policy.

The Local Approvals Policy states that any outdoor dining or street vending must comply with the Outdoor Trading Specification. Accordingly, the Draft Outdoor Trading Specification provides the detailed requirements for these activities.

What are the next steps?

Following the public exhibition all relevant submissions received will be considered.

The document will then be amended in response to submissions, prior to writing to the NSW Office of Local Government seeking approval of the exemptions that have been identified.

Once approval is obtained from the NSW Office of Local Government, the policy will be reported back to Council seeking approval for adoption.

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