This public exhibition has concludedand the Tennis Facility Action Plan has been adopted.

Central Coast Council has developed the first regionwide draft Tennis Facility Action Plan, in partnership with Tennis NSW.

Tennis is one of Australia’s most participated sports for the young and those in their senior years, however it’s underutilised as a social sport for families, young adults and middle generations.  

This draft action plan identifies some key actions to help increase the use of the Central Coast’s existing tennis facilities by the community and promote healthy and active lifestyles. This will help them reach their potential as active community spaces where everyone can participate.

In developing this draft action plan, Council engaged a range of stakeholders including current tennis court lessees, management committees, relevant staff and key agencies such as Tennis NSW and the NSW Office of Sport. 

The local community’s voice is important in the development process of this action plan with interested residents encouraged to view the draft plan and provide feedback.  

The community were invited to:

Submissions were to be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Mr David Farmer between 7 October and 7 November 2021. 

Something you need to know: Under the Government Information (Public Access) Act, 2009 (GIPA ACT), members of the public can seek access to the submissions and council cannot give assurance that the document will remain confidential.

Outcomes of exhibition 

Thank you to those who provided submissions and feedback on the draft Tennis Facility Action Plan. All feedback was thoroughly reviewed, and recommendations were made in a Council Report

At the meeting of Council on 28 June 2022, Council noted the submissions received during the public exhibition period and resolved to adopt the Tennis Facility Action Plan. 

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Draft Tennis Facility Action Plan


Final Tennis Facility Action Plan is adopted by Council

Who's listening

Who's listening
Brett Sherar – Open Space and Recreation

What is the Tennis Facility Action Plan?

The Tennis Facility Action Plan aims to encourage healthy, active and connected community lifestyles by providing accessible, well designed, constructed and managed tennis facilities across the Central Coast region. 

The region wide Tennis Facility Action Plan provides a consistent and improved approach to the management of tennis facilities across the Central Coast. The Plan is based on the principles of increased participation through inclusion, improved access, fit for purpose facilities, community and partner engagement and a whole of life approach to managing our tennis facilities.

The Plan also identifies some key actions to help increase the use of the existing tennis facilities and to ensure these facilities reach their potential as community spaces where everyone can participate.

Why do we need a Tennis Facility Action Plan? 

Central Coast Council recognises that as a major provider of open space facilities, it plays a leading role in providing the community with opportunities to stay active. Tennis is a low-cost sport that can be played socially and competitively from an early age well into our senior years. 

Providing sporting, leisure and open space areas and facilities that are well maintained and activated delivers on a goal from Council’s Community Strategic Plan and reflects our community’s vision for a smart, green and liveable region and community facilities that promote healthy and active lifestyles.  

The Tennis Facility Action Plan will be used by Council to make evidence-based decisions relating to the upgrade and development of its 30 tennis facilities to ensure that these places meet the growing demands and needs of the local community as our regional population grows and diversifies over the next ten years.

How has Council collaborated with stakeholders in the development of the draft Tennis Facility Action Plan?

To ensure a shared vision and collaborative approach to the development of this Plan, Council has undertaken engagement with a range of stakeholders including current lessees, management committees, relevant staff and key agencies such as Tennis NSW and the NSW Office of Sport. 

Council has also partnered with Tennis NSW in the development of its #TENNISRESTART strategy which seeks to increase participation in this region through share understanding of key drivers for tennis growth and a range of prioritised actions. Council’s strategic directions are aligned with those of Tennis NSW to ensure a collaborative approach to the game’s future.

Outside of stakeholder engagement, what else has informed the draft Plan?

A comprehensive independent tennis court inspection report was prepared for all Council owned assets by a suitably qualified provider over the course of 2017. These reports assessed the condition of all infrastructure located at each facility and include a series of maintenance recommendations for Council’s consideration and implementation consistent with Council’s Asset Management Strategy and Resourcing Strategy.

The Australian government’s key directions in Sport 2030 vision has also been incorporated into the action plan’s development and models of tennis facility management in similar Local Government Areas were also examined.

Is Council planning on closing down some existing Tennis Facilities?

Council is not planning to close any of its existing tennis facilities. 

Is Council planning to increase fees to the clubs, community groups or organisations that hire these facilities?

There are no plans to increase fees to the groups that hire these facilities. As part of Council’s annual budget preparation process, Fees and Charges for all services are reviewed and placed on exhibition for community feedback.

Who will be paying for improved or new facilities?

Funding sources for the development of new and/or upgraded tennis facilities will primarily be sought through grant funding opportunities as they arise and from Council’s developer contributions.

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