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Draft Central Coast Local Strategic Planning Statement

Draft Central Coast Local Strategic Planning Statement

This public exhibition has now concluded.


Central Coast Council's first draft Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) is a 20-year planning vision, including land use, infrastructure and sustainability objectives to demonstrate how the Central Coast will change to meet the community’s needs over the next 20 years.

The LSPS includes the following:

  • Vision - The future direction for the Central Coast is framed in the LSPS as a 20-year land use vision which together with Council’s Community Strategic Plan will guide the social, environmental and economic aspirations of the community.
  • Planning Priorities - Works alongside the Community Strategic Plan to guide future land use decisions.
  • Actions - Actions required for achieving the vision and planning priorities.
  • Implementation - The basis on which the council is to monitor and report on the implementation of those actions.


The community were invited to find out more and have their say on the draft long-term vision for growing the Central Coast Region in a way that enhances its character, preserves its natural attributes and improves our quality of life by:

  • Viewing the draft LSPS - a summary document, the full version and the table of priorities and actions
  • Reading the frequently asked questions
  • Watching the online presentation 
  • Attending a live video forum - recordings are available
  • Providing feedback via the online submission form
  • Sending a submission to ask@centralcoast.nsw.gov.au, or PO Box 21, Gosford NSW 2250.

Central Coast Council also collected feedback using online forums and a local character questionnaire which will be used to inform Local Character Statements. 

Submissions and feedback closed at 5pm on Monday 8 June 2020.

Your attention is drawn to the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 which allows for possible access to certain public and personal documentation.

Online video presentation: 


The public exhibition of the Draft Local Strategic Planning Statement has now concluded. The community are invited to: 

  • View the recorded live video forums available bellow
  • View the online forums available in the document library
  • Read the full consultation report available in the document library


Live Video Forum: Budgewoi Ward:

Live Video Forum: Gosford East Ward:

Live Video Forum: Wyong Ward: 

Live Video Forum: Gosford West Ward:


What is the draft Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS)?

The draft LSPS is a 20-year planning vision, including land use, infrastructure and sustainability objectives to demonstrate how the Central Coast will change to meet the community’s needs into the future. 

The draft LSPS responds to the goals and direction of the Central Coast Regional Plan 2036 at the local level by setting clear local priorities and actions to deliver the jobs, homes, services and facilities that the Central Coast community will require in response to future population growth. 

All Councils are required to have an LSPS which is prepared under Part 3B of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. The Central Coast LSPS is required to be in place by 1 July 2020.

Key Components of the draft LSPS

  • One Direction for Growth:
     To grow within our existing and future planned infrastructure and services capacity.
  • Pillars of Planning:
     The Four Pillars of Planning of Place, Environment, Lifestyle and Infrastructure provide the framework to guide future planning priorities.
  • Growth Strategies: The following Growth Strategies will together inform the creation of future places, infrastructure and protection of the environment of the region.
    - Revitalise our Centres,
    - Renew the Urban Form,
    - Refine the Urban Edge and,
    - Resilience Planning
  • Key Initiatives: The following key initiatives will ensure that the Region will grow in a manner that recognises and reinforces the best of Central Coast living.
    - Centres and Corridors
    - Housing
    - Economics
    - Environment
    - Agricultural and Rural Land
    - Open Space
    - Community and Culture
    - Heritage, Transport
    -  Water and Sewer
  • Prorities and Actions: The list of Priorities and Actions that will be undertaken by Council, over the short, medium and long term, to help achieve our vision and direction for growth.

What is the purpose of the draft LSPS and how will it be used?

The land use vision, planning priorities and actions outlined in the draft LSPS will guide Council’s future strategies, plans and policies, such as the Central Coast Housing Strategy which will also inform the next stage of the Comprehensive Local Environmental Plan and Development Control Plan. The draft LSPS also sets in place required actions to be included in future Central Coast Delivery Programs and Operational Plans.

State agencies will also use the draft LSPS to guide infrastructure planning and service delivery, such as schools, hospitals and transport. 

The draft LSPS is a strategic document and will provide context on the vision for the Central Coast from a land use perspective, and guide decision making on the appropriate types of future development. 

How has the draft LSPS been developed?

Stage 1 – Draft Urban Spatial Plan

Council prepared the draft Urban Spatial Plan: Stage 1 Local Strategic Planning Statement as a land use planning response to the extensive community engagement undertaken as part of the Community Strategic Plan 2018. 

Further public consultation was undertaken during the exhibition of the draft Urban Spatial Plan for 60 days from 29 August to 24 October 2019.

Stage 2 – Draft Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS)

Council incorporated feedback received as part of the draft Urban Spatial Plan, as well as internal stakeholder consultation to prepare the draft LSPS.

Does the draft LSPS change planning controls?

No, the draft LSPS does not directly result in a change to planning controls. However, it will action further studies that need to be undertaken in order to support and update planning controls. Any future updates to Council’s planning controls, such as those within the Local Environmental Plan will go through a separate public exhibition process.

How does the draft LSPS align with the recently exhibited draft Urban Spatial Plan?

Council incorporated feedback received as part of the draft Urban Spatial Plan, as well as internal stakeholder consultation to prepare the draft LSPS. 

This includes:

  • New maps showing the spatial characteristics of the region
  • Changes to the centres hierarchy based on community feedback
  • A comprehensive table of actions to implement over the long term, including responsibilities and timeframes
  • Identification of key enabling projects for the region and a new economic snapshot
  • New planning priorities for agricultural and rural land, cultural spaces, heritage and infrastructure.

How does the draft LSPS align with the Community Strategic Plan (CSP)?

The draft LSPS is a 20-year land use vision for the Central Coast Region which, together with the Community Strategic Plan 2018, will guide the social, environmental and economic aspirations of the community.

How will the draft LSPS assist with guiding future growth and development on the Central Coast?

The land use vision, planning priorities and actions outlined in the draft LSPS will guide Council’s future strategies, plans and policies and sets in place required actions to be included in future Central Coast Delivery Programs and Operational Plans.

What happens to submissions received by Council?

Council officers will review comments received and consider whether or not amendments are required to the draft LSPS.

You will be notified when the draft LSPS is scheduled to be reported to a Council meeting and following any decision to finalise the LSPS.

How can I find out more information and get involved?

For more information on the draft Urban Spatial Plan see the information available on this page. 

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