Pelican Park Upgrade Concept Options

Pelican Park Upgrade Concept Options

Voting now closed- please find the result below!

Thanks to our community members who submitted their feedback regarding the concept options for Pelican Park. Following evaluation of the feedback received during this consultation combined with historic information gathered through “Let’s Talk Woy Woy” in 2022, we have carefully listened to your preferences and are dedicated to creating a playspace that incorporates elements from both the nature-play and pirate-themed play concept designs. Please find the engagement/consultation summary here.

Have your say

The community voted and provided feedback on three (3) concept playspace options to help inform the size, types of materials and equipment and cost of the upgrade. The options were:

Option 1: Nature Play:

  • This option utilises the existing playspace envelope with a nature play theme. This option retains all existing vegetation but does not include rubberised soft fall.

Option 2: Pirate-Themed Play:

  • This option retains the existing pirate play theme with a reduced playspace envelope to comply with standards for play equipment fall zones, and to keep clear of existing tree roots. All vegetation is retained with this option.

Option 3: Traditional Play:

  • This option proposes the removal of one Swamp Cypress to enable a larger playspace footprint with climbing, spinning and sculptural elements. With a larger playspace proposed, the cost to construct this option will exceed the typical budget allocated for a local level park needing to draw from funding allocated for the Woy Woy Lions Park District playspace upgrade.

The concept options were open for voting and feedback between 3pm 18 May and 5pm 16 June 2023 via an online form. With only 1% difference in the community between Option 1 and 2 and many insightful comments, we are dedicated in creating a hybrid model that incorporates the best elements of both options into the final design. For more information, you can read the engagement/consultation summary here.

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Mar 2024 - Construction to commence

Who's listening

Who's listening
Alex Chipchase - Open Space & Recreation Planner, Open Space & Recreation


Why is Council upgrading Pelican Park?

Following an independent playspace safety inspection, given the age and wear of the park, it was determined that several park elements are now no longer compliant with the Australian Playground Standards. In addition, the large Taxodium Distichum tree (swamp cypress) located adjacent to the playspace currently impact the existing playspace. The tree roots grow in an upward direction which affects the soft fall level of cushioning and hinders the ability in completing new works without affecting the tree’s health.

Will the park upgrade require removal of any of the large trees that are currently there?

Only if option 3 is the preferred option. It proposes the removal of one Swamp Cypress.

What previous consultation was completed before this?

Council has previously consulted with the community during 2021 and 2022 through the "Woy Woy Waterfront Masterplan" and “Let’s Talk Woy Woy”. Previous to this, the community requested further public consultation to determine any changes regarding Pelican Park. As a result, Central Coast Council are ensuring that the public are involved in the concept planning and design phase as much as possible.

How long will the works take to complete?

The Pelican Park upgrade is planned for completion by the end of financial year 2023/24 as highlighted in the Draft Operational Plan 2023/24.

Will this mean Pelican Park will close for an extended period of time?

To upgrade the park, Council will need close Pelican Park for a period of time. Council will be in a position to provide further detail relating to the upgrade of the park in early 2024 and prior to construction commencing, once the preferred option has been determined.  

Will this impact on Lion's Park being upgraded?

Lion’s Park is also scheduled for upgrades in the 2023/24 Playground Renewal Program. If option 3 is the preferred community option for the upgrade of Pelican Park which includes a larger playspace envelope, funding will need to be diverted from the upgrade of Lion’s Park.  

What happens after the concept is voted on by the community?

Council will announce the preferred option for Pelican Park after the voting period has closed by the end of July.

What are the next steps following this?

Council staff will undertake further detailed design for the preferred option for Pelican Park. Completion of park construction is planned to occur by 30 June 2024.

How can I have my say?

The community is invited to submit their vote and feedback on the online submission form. QR codes directing the community to the form can be found on posters around Pelican Park.

Stage 2 FAQs

What is a hybrid model and how will it look i.e. what elements of both option 1 and 2 will be retained?

The design will include both nature-play and traditional inclusive-play elements (some rubber soft fall).

Will the proposed designs be open for community consultation?

No, the community has provided us with enough relevant information to develop a scope to go to tender for the playground design and construction.

When will the community be informed of the final design?

We will inform the community as soon as the preferred design and contractor is selected. This is estimated to be before the end of 2023.

Will the construction of a hybrid model stay within the current allocated budget?

Yes, we will ensure the scope meets the footprint and budget.

Will it be closed during construction? If so, for how long?

Yes, as short as possible but will be determined by the contractor. We will ensure the construction period does not coincide with a school holiday period.

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