Currently on Exhibition

Currently on Exhibition

Provide input and direction into the projects and initiatives affecting your area.

Once a project is on exhibition you can usually comment for a period of 28 days. At the end of the exhibition period, these submissions will be collected and play an important part in the review process.

Please note Development Applications (DAs) that are open for public comment can be viewed on the Central Coast Council website.

Currently on exhibition

Something you need to know: Under the Government Information (Public Access) Act, 2009 (GIPA Act), members of the public can seek access to the submissions and council cannot give assurance that the document will remain confidential. For further information regarding privacy please contact council's Access to Information Officer on 1300 463 954. Failure to disclose a political donation or gift is an offence under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.For more information or to disclose a donation fill out the Political Donation Declaration form.


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